Telugu FM Radio App

Telugu FM Radio app helps you to listen to all Telugu Fm radios anywhere in the world. Now listen to your native FM radio by using our app for absolutely free. Now you can listen Fm radio without using headphones.
Developed by New Spark Apps


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Unique Features

Telugu FM radio app will help you to enjoy almost all Telugu FM Online Radios

Simple UI

You can easily find your favorite Telugu FM Radios.

Favorite List

Find you favorite Telugu FM Radios and put it in favourite list for quick usage in future

Notification Control

Control Telugu FM Radio playback using notification controls

Telugu FM radio app

Simple UI
for Quick

You can easily use Telugu FM Radio using simple UI

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Radios as

Find you favorite Telugu FM Radios and put it in favourite list for quick usage in future

Telugu FM radio app

Featured Screens

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Telugu FM radio app Telugu FM radio app Telugu FM radio app